Decorate Your Yard with a Literary Theme. Be inspired and share your creativity with your Capitol Hill community.

Help us celebrate the season and our shared love of books. Choose a theme based on a favorite book or literary character and decorate your yard accordingly. You might do pumpkin carvings, scarecrows, or a full-on decorative scene based on your book or literary character. Registering to “Host” just means that your home will be included in our map of the Literary Pumpkin Walk and neighbors will get to view (and vote upon!) your creation. You can also participate on your own without registering . . . the more the merrier. If your register your decoration, please make sure it is ready for the voting on Oct 25, and it should stay up through Halloween.

Let people know you are planning on participating by posting this sign in your front yard.

2023 Pumpkin Walk Registration Form